Fort Liberty Mud Run
Apr 20 2024
Apr 20 2024
We are sold out!
NOTE: All registrations are available through our official registration platform only. All slots sold are non-transferrable and non-refundable. If you have any questions about your registration, please call +1 (910)908-5977. Updated 4/1/24
Location: Beckwith Lodge, 9127 Gruber Road, Fort Liberty, NC (across from the Rod and Gun Club)
Parking map (.pdf)
This event involves a 4 mile trail run with multiple obstacles and lots of mud!
Check-in starts at 7 am. First wave starts at 8 am. There will be 10 waves starting every 10 minutes. 50 people per wave.
Post race party includes beer and food for purchase, music, bounce houses, and games.
Pre-registration required, includes shirt and medal. Space is limited. Open to DoD ID Cardholders and their guests. Cost: $15
Run event is open to participants ages 12 years and older; post race party is open to all ages.
Obstacle Descriptions
The Balance Beam Obstacle consist of traversing a utility pole from one end to the other without falling off. Participants will have 3 attempts to successfully complete the task before MWR staff will send them forward to the next obstacle.
The Sandbag Challenge consist of participant taking a 45-pound sandbag and carrying it 50 feet to a turnaround point and bringing it back. Participants can drop the sandbag up to three times before MWR staff should send them forward to the next obstacle.
The Hay Bale Climb consists of a base pile of ____ barrels of hay with a second level of ____ hay bales. Participants will climb over the barrels of hay and proceed down the course on the other side.
Pallet Climb has participants climbing an a-frame shaped pallet wall and traversing the other side. This obstacle is done coming and going. Participants are given 3 chances to complete the obstacle before MWR staff will encourage them to proceed down the course.
Tire Flip This Obstacle consist of having to flip oversized tires from the predesignated start point to a designated stop point. There will be three points, from each point MWR staff will direct them to the stop point before they can proceed. If at any point the participant states, they cannot complete the task, or they have struggled and made no forward progress for 2 minutes MWR staff will acknowledge the difficulty and send them on down the course. Participants will do the obstacle coming and going. If participants become creative and team up on this obstacle, that is ok.
Hurdles This Obstacle consist of having jump over a series of 5 hurdles before proceeding. If the participant is unable to complete this task after 3 attempts MWR staff will direct the to proceed down the course.
High Low Challenge This Obstacle consist of having participants going over a concrete barrier in the mud they will then crawl under rope through a mud pit to reach the next concrete barrier where they will go over it. The is repeated 3 times. If a participant is unable to complete this obstacle MWR staff will send them down the course.
Mud Mountain This Obstacle consist of having participants going go up a muddy hill they will then have to work to get back down a mud hill. The bottom of the hill will have a mud pit. If they are unable to make it up the hill after 3 attempts or 2 minutes staff will have them proceed down the course.
Cargo Net Crawl This Obstacle will consist of participants going under a cargo net that is secured over a mud pit. They must low crawl through the mud and water to reach the other side. If for some reason participants feel they cannot do this obstacle send them down the course.
Tunnel Crawl This Obstacle will consist of participants crawling through a 20-foot section of culvert pipe to reach the other side. If a participant feels they cannot go through the pipe for any reason have them proceed down the course.
Tire Run This Obstacle will consist of participants using their agility skills to place feet into each tire as quickly as possible to get to the other side of the course.
Barrier Weave This Obstacle will consist of participants using their balance, speed and agility to weave through barriers placed as quickly as possible. Once they complete this obstacle, they will run to the water point and turn around.
For more information: +1 (910)908-5977
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