- Account Creation
Sponsors, their spouses and ID card holding dependents are authorized to have MWR Library System accounts. To create an account, bring your Military/DOD ID Card to the library and complete the application form. The DOD ID card will be registered with the sponsors information to provide access to all of our resources. Registered users have access to a full range of print and digital resources to meet the informational and recreational needs of the military family.
- Links for Kids
Safe and Fun Websites for Kids
- TumbleBooks: https://www.tumblebooklibrary.com/
- Tumble Book Cloud Junior: http://www.tbcjr.com
- NASA Kids’ Club: https://www.nasa.gov/kidsclub/index.html
- National Geographic Kids: https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/games/
- Storyline Online: https://storylineonline.net/
- Cumberland County Library: https://www.cumberlandcountync.gov/departments/library-group/library
- ABCya: https://www.abcya.com/
- Go Noodle: https://www.gonoodle.com/
- Highlights Kids: https://www.highlightskids.com/
- Kids Learning Tube: https://online.kidsdiscover.com/
- PBS Kids: https://pbskids.org/
- Scholastic Learning at Home: https://www.scholastic.com/parents/school-success/learn-at-home.html
- Time for Kids: https://www.timeforkids.com/
- Starfall: https://www.starfall.com/h/
Virtual Museums Tours/Field Trips:
- Louvre: https://www.louvre.fr/en/visites-en-ligne/
- National Museum of Natural History: https://naturalhistory.si.edu/visit/virtual-tour
- The Nature Conservancy: https://www.nature.org/en-us/about-us/who-we-are/how-we-work/youth-engagement/nature-lab/virtual-field-trips/
- Boston Children’s Museum: https://bostonchildrensmuseum.org/
- National Park Service: https://www.nps.gov/kids/online-activity-guides.htm
- The White House: https://www.whitehousehistory.org/tour-the-white-house-in-360-degrees
Other Great Websites for Children
- Award Winning Books - Information from the American Library Association about various award grants available to children and young adults.
- Math Cats - Offers playful explorations of mathematical ideas that will pique students' interest.
- Readers Corner
Recommended Reading
NoveList provides access to information on 155,000 fiction titles and offers a wide range of feature content including author read-alikes, book discussion guides, reading lists and more.
Sites for Readers
Goodreads is the world's largest site for readers and book recommendations. Our mission is to help people find and share books they love. You can use Goodreads to see which books your friends are reading; track thr books your're reading, have read, or want to read; check out your personalized book recommendations; or find out if a book is a good fit for you from the community's reviews.
LibraryThing is an online service to help people catalog their books easily. You can access your catalog from anywhere—even on your mobile phone. Because everyone catalogs together, LibraryThing also connects people with the same books, comes up with suggestions for what to read next, and so forth. It is a full-powered cataloging application, searching the Library of Congress, all five national Amazon sites, and more than 690 world libraries. You can edit your information, search and sort it, "tag" books with your own subjects, or use the Library of Congress and Dewey systems to organize your collection. If you want it, LibraryThing is also an amazing social space, often described as "Facebook for books." You can check out other peoples' libraries, see who has the most similar library to yours, swap reading suggestions and so forth. LibraryThing also makes book recommendations based on the collective intelligence of the other libraries.
WorldCat is the world's largest library catalog, helping you find library materials online.
Fantastic Fiction includes bibliographies for over 30,000 authors and information on over 350,000 books. Search by author or by book. Find read-alikes, upcoming releases, award winners, and series.
USA Today Best-selling Books ranks the 150 top-selling titles each week based on an analysis of sales from U.S. booksellers. Updated weekly.
New York Times Bestseller List provides access a list of items on the New York Times Bestseller List which ranks books based on sales. Updated weekly.
Amazon Bestsellers provides a ranking based on sales at Amazon.com. Updated hourly.
- Using the Library
Getting a Library Card
- Eligibility
- Children must be at least 10 years of age, with a dependent ID card. Children are not authorized to register themselves, no matter the age. Sponsor or spouse must present one of the valid identifications:
- Department of Defense ID cards
- Installation Pass (if garrison commander-authorized)
- Foreign military ID cards
- State Department ID cards
- Eligible users include:
- Active Duty, Reserve, and National Guard (including family members)
- DoD and Army Civilians (including family members)
- Retirees and their family dependent
- Contractors on this installation
- Army Veterans with 100% disability
- For a full list of eligible users, see AR 215-1, Military Programs & NAF Instrumentalities, paragraph 7-1h, 24 SEPT 2010.
- Children must be at least 10 years of age, with a dependent ID card. Children are not authorized to register themselves, no matter the age. Sponsor or spouse must present one of the valid identifications:
Computers and Internet
- Internet & Wi-Fi
- The library provides Internet access in compliance with federal regulations via the NIPRNet (Non-classified Internet Protocol (IP) Router Network). Our computer lab, the Internet Café, contains 75 CAC-enabled computers, three of which are 15-minute express computers. Initial sessions on all others are one hour long, with the option to extend from your computer at the 5-minutes remaining mark for one hour. This can be done multiple times throughout the day if the lab is not busy. Please note the computer lab closes 20 minutes before the library closes.
- Wireless internet access is free. The network names are FB_Liberty_1.5 and FB_Liberty_2.5, and should connect automatically on most laptops.
- The library’s wireless networks are not secure. Information sent from or to your laptop can be captured by anyone else with a wireless device and the appropriate software. We encourage users to observe standard security practices in relation to passwords and credit cards. The library is not responsible for any losses.
- Printing and Copying
- Printing is available from library computers. The cost is 10¢ page and are currently in black & white and single-sided. Quarters, dimes, and nickels only.
- Copying services are also available.
- We have 2 copiers. One of the copiers only produces black and white copies for 10¢ per page. The other copier produces black and white copies for 15¢ per page and colored copies for 50¢ per page.
- Library printers and copiers use only library-supplied paper and are cash/coin only up to a $5 bill.
- Scan
- The library currently does not provide scanning services.
Borrowing, Fines & Fees, and Clearing Post
- Borrowing
- Besides fiction and nonfiction titles, the library offers DVDs and Blu-Ray, including new releases, TV shows, and children’s. We also have study guides and practice tests, foreign language material, and video games for the Xbox One, PS4 and Nintendo Switch.
- Per ID Cardholder, patrons may check out: books and audiobooks for three weeks; up to 10 music CDs for three weeks; up to 10 DVDs or Blu-Ray for one week (films) or two weeks (TV series); and 5 video games per family for one week. For temporary (less than 30 days) and short-term visitors (1-6 months), some restrictions will apply.
- You may renew materials that are not requested by another customer by phone or online. To renew online, you must first set up your PIN at the library's website. Click on “Forgot or need a PIN?".
- The maximum number of times an item can renewed is 2. At the end of your second renewal the item must be returned and remain in the library for 24 hours to give other customers an opportunity to check it out.
- An outside book drop is available at all locations for materials returned after hours.
- Fines & Fees
- While the library does not charge overdue fees, there is a consequence for lost, damaged, or destroyed items: Military and civilian sponsors may be charged with financial liability when the loss, damage, or destruction of library materials is the result of negligence or willful misconduct on the part of the family member. There are 2 options for restitution:
- The library’s preferred method of restitution is payment via exact cash or money order. The funds collected from fee payments go directly towards the improvement of the library’s services to the public.
- Army Regulation (AR) 735-17, Accounting for Library Materials, paragraph 2-8b, 28 APR 2015, requires item replacement from borrowers who lose, damage, or destroy library materials with:
- An identical copy (example: replacing a hardcover with another hardcover of the same title). The library will only accept identical replacements or payment for these titles.
A satisfactory reissue of the same item (example: replacing a hardcover with a paperback of the same title)
An item of the same type of medium of equal value, as determined by library staff (example: replacing a $20 DVD with another DVD of a different title valued at $20 or more). NOTE: Proof of value is required in the form of the purchase receipt.
- Unauthorized copies of copyrighted materials are not accepted for the purpose of restitution.
- Items replaced in-kind and payments made for lost, damaged, or destroyed Army property do not constitute a sale of Army property. Title to such property remains with Government, per AR 735-5, Property Accountability Policies, paragraph 2-1f, 10 MAY 2013.
- All replacements must be in brand new, never owned condition.
- While the library does not charge overdue fees, there is a consequence for lost, damaged, or destroyed items: Military and civilian sponsors may be charged with financial liability when the loss, damage, or destruction of library materials is the result of negligence or willful misconduct on the part of the family member. There are 2 options for restitution:
- Clearing Post
- Per Fort Liberty Regulation 600-8-101, paragraph 3-1a, 21 JAN 2016, no soldier owing debts to the U.S. Government or its instrumentalities will be cleared for departure until either the debts are paid or the Soldier’s unit commander and the local finance officer are notified. All items on the sponsor account, as well as each family member account, must be returned to the library prior to clearing. If an item has been lost, damaged, or destroyed, please see Fines & Fees above, to find out what needs to happen in order to remove the item from your account. This same regulation, paragraph 3-1j, requires that soldiers out-process in duty uniform which meets the standards prescribed in AR 670-1. Physical training garments are not duty uniforms.
Reserve a Meeting Room
- Meeting Room Policy (.pdf)
- Room is available Monday - Thursday, 9 am - 6:45 pm; Friday, 9 am - 3:45 pm; and Saturday 12 pm - 3:45 pm
- Reservations can be made by calling +1 (910)396-2665.
- We have a large meeting room that holds up to 160 people.
- Eligibility
- About the Library
Gen. John Lathrop Throckmorton, a veteran of World War II, Korea, Vietnam and the Detroit riots, commanded both the 82nd Airborne Division and the XVIII Airborne Corps during his time at this installation. He later retired after over 35 years of service.
The Throckmorton Library was built in 1997. It replaced the earlier post library on Macomb Street, near where the 82nd Sustainment Brigade's post office now stands.
- Mission & Vision
Family and MWR Mission Statement
Provide Quality of Life programs and services in support of readiness and resilience.
Throckmorton Library Mission Statement
To support readiness and the military mission:
- Professional military and technical education and training;
- Personal and technical skill development of members of the military community;
- Quality of life at home, when deployed or assigned to remote locations;
- Voluntary education and lifelong learning;
- Transition and career assistance;
- Relocation assistance and leisure needs of the military community.
Family and MWR/Library Vision Statement
Family and MWR – The Customer’s “First Choice”.
Throckmorton Library

Dungeons & Dragons (High School)

Lego Brick Builders

New Happening
New Happening

Library Online Resources
Discover Army MWR Library’s Online Resources! Download ebooks and audiobooks, learn a new language and more by accessing over 45 helpful online resources.
Library Online Resources
Discover Army MWR Library’s Online Resources! Download ebooks and audiobooks, learn a new language and more by accessing over 45 helpful online resources.

Virtual Storytime
Virtual Storytime

S.T.E.A.M. Science Technology Engineering Art Math

Read Across America

Dungeons & Dragons (Middle School)

Dungeons & Dragons (High School)

Dungeons & Dragons (Middle School)
Mar 19 4:30 pm - 6:30 pmDungeons & Dragons (Middle School)
Mar 19 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm