Outdoor Education Program

Jul 13 2024, 11 am
Jul 13 2024, 11 am
Location: Smith Lake Recreation Beach
- Skulls & Skins - Sunday, May 12
During this program you will get a chance to talk about the wildlife that live in the forest and feel some of their fur. We will be taking a closer look at their skulls and the difference in their teeth. - Papermaking - Sunday, June 9
Ever wonder how paper is made, we'll show you how! Join us for some papermaking fun and take home some made-by-you paper! - Snakes - Saturday, July 13
Feelings of fear and fascination collide as we learn all about snakes. Come take this opportunity to learn all about snakes, how to identify them, where you can find them, and even get the chance to meet and touch a REAL snake! - Raptors - Sunday, August 11
Owls, Hawks, Falcons, and Vultures, these are common raptors or birds of prey that can be seen in North Carolina. Come out and learn more about these beautiful birds. - Bears - Saturday, September 14
Come learn all about black bears! This curious creature is found in the mountain and coastal regions of our state. During this program we'll play some games and learn some safety tips about what to do if we encounter a bear. - Campfire Fun - Saturday, October 12
Learn the basics of building, starting, and safety around a campfire! Once we have it going, we'll share some stories and roast some s'mores.
Open to the public. No registration required.
Call for more information: +1 (910)396-5979
Smith Lake Beach-
Smith Lake Recreation Area