ERP Military Spouse Employment Social
Feb 10 2023, 11 am - 1 pm
Feb 10 2023, 11 am - 1 pm
Location: Soldier and Family Readiness Group Center
Refresh your job search!! Join us to learn about available employment resources designed to help you find the right job for you! Network with other spouses as well as gain information from ACS resources and great community partners. Come ready to smile! Free professional head-shot photos will be offered to help you refresh your professional image on LinkedIn and other virtual networking sites.
Partnership with any agency to bring events to our customers does not constitute endorsement by the Federal Government (or ACS) of the agency, information, products or services contained therein.
Open to Service members and their Families.
For more details, call: +1 (910)396-2390 or +1 (910)643-7788